Klevis Sota

Implantologist & Oral Surgeon

About Dr. Klevis Sota

Dr. Klevis Sota, founder of the Advanced Implantology Center and Sota Dental, is an oral surgeon and implantologist with extensive experience and international expertise in oral surgery and implantology.

Dr. Klevis Sota

Implantologist & Oral Surgeon
Dr. Klevis Sota

Professional Experience and Skills


Implantology and oral surgery

Complex treatments

Treating patients with complex dental needs

Advanced tecnology

Utilizing advanced technologies in implantology

Zygomatic & Pterygoid

Expert in Zygomatic and Pterygoid Implant Therapy.

First Choice

Dr. Sota has become the first choice for patients


Fluent in English, Italian, Turkish and Albanian

Trainings and Qualifications

Dr. Klevis Sota
